
From Mattresses to Mobile Apps: How Women are Flipping the Script on Saving and Investing

Women have always been resourceful when it comes to managing their finances. From the days of hiding cash under mattresses to using cutting-edge mobile apps, the methods of saving and investing have evolved dramatically. We will explore the fascinating history of how women save and invest money, highlighting the traditional methods of the past and the innovative solutions of today. We’ll also discuss the importance of financial independence and offer practical tips for women looking to secure their financial future.

A Glimpse into the Past: Creative Saving Methods

Back in the day, women had to be incredibly inventive with their savings. With limited access to formal banking systems, they often resorted to stashing cash in various hidden spots around the house. The mattress was a popular choice, but money could also be found in cookie jars, under floorboards, or even buried in the garden. While these methods were clever, they were far from secure, leaving women vulnerable to theft and loss.

Modern-Day Saving: Secure, Smart and Convenient

Fast forward to today, and the landscape of saving money has changed dramatically. Women now have access to a plethora of secure and convenient options that make managing finances easier than ever:

Merry-Go-Rounds and SACCOs: Community-based savings groups like Merry-Go-rounds and Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) allow women to pool their resources, provide each other with loans, and invest in larger projects. These groups foster a sense of community and mutual support while promoting financial discipline.

Bank Accounts and Mobile Banking: Gone are the days of mattress money. Women now use secure bank accounts and the convenience of mobile banking. Apps like M-Shwari, KCB M-pesa, Sortika, Chumz among others offer user-friendly platforms for saving and managing money, making it easier than ever to grow those savings.

Investing: Then and Now

Investing is not a new concept for women. Historically, women have always found ways to invest and grow their wealth:

Historical Investments: In the past, women invested in farming, livestock, and barter trade. They grew crops, reared animals, and exchanged goods and services within their communities. These investments were practical and provided a steady income, ensuring their families’ sustenance.

Modern Investments: Today, women are exploring diverse investment avenues. From buying shares in the stock market to investing in real estate, women are making significant strides. Real estate, in particular, has become a popular choice, offering stable and long-term returns. Women are also venturing into tech startups, renewable energy projects, and more, showcasing their versatility and business acumen.

Tech-Savvy Saving and Investing

Technology has revolutionized the way we handle money, offering innovative solutions that cater to the needs of modern women. Apps like Chumz app are perfect for goal-based saving. PiggyVest allows you to set aside funds effortlessly while your savings grow.

One of the critical aspects of financial independence is the ability to make informed decisions about money. Financial dependency in relationships can lead to staying in abusive situations due to financial constraints. It’s essential for women to take steps toward achieving financial freedom. Start saving today – every shilling saved is a step toward independence and empowerment. Over time, those small savings will transform into significant investments, providing security and peace of mind.

For those looking to dive deeper into these topics, “The Property Pulse” podcast, hosted by Ann Kanyuira and co-hosted by Ashley Hephzibah, offers a wealth of information. “Start saving today,” they urge. “Every shilling you save is a step toward independence and empowerment. One day, those small savings will transform into significant investments, providing security and freedom.” Stay tuned, stay inspired, and let’s empower women everywhere to achieve financial success!

Catch the latest episode of “The Property Pulse” and join the movement of empowered women investors. Watch the video made by Hyssop Properties here


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